As you would have read from my previous post a little while ago, I decided to remove my published work from sale. It was a decision that I thought pretty hard about and have now come to the realisation that it was definitely the right thing to do, for now. I started to go over it and re-work it but was actually struck by a new story as I was going through my old novels.
I got hit by the writing bug hard and fast and have already managed to smash out 40k words. It’s a massive improvement on my first works and I’m feeling a lot more confident about this one. Everything about it has felt “right” and I’ve had a lot of fun “hearing” what my characters have to say. As crazy as it makes me sound, my characters have been telling me what they want to do, when they want to do it and what they’re going to say.
I had a bit of a moment this afternoon with one of my characters, actually. I felt like the story should go in a particular direction (Sorry, I don’t want to add any spoilers here, especially seeing as I haven’t gone through any editing at this stage) but my character had other ideas. I was literally fighting with him in my head. I was telling him what I wanted to write and he was arguing with me and telling me what he really wanted to say. It was wired, wonderful and everything in between. I felt like a complete nutter, but in the end, he won. He got what he wanted and I wrote the story how he wanted it.
So as you can see, I’ve been having a bit of fun with this writing and have been writing as soon as an idea strikes me. I’ve been busy with university studies as well as my day job, but to be able to have got 40k words out of my brain and into Google Docs is a big achievement for me. My previous story took a lot longer to write and was nowhere near the size of this one.
I’ll be sure to keep you updated and after editing, I’ll be sharing little snippets of the story and lines of speech to tease you all, because that’s how I roll.
Sorry to anyone that has had to deal with my incessant need to write and ignore my responsibilities and daily life routines. For that, I thank you for your patience with me.