
Lynne Cruz – Romance Erotica Author

Official website/blog of Australian Romance Erotica Author Lynne Cruz



How to Be a Better Writer

Ok, so before I even begin, I'm not going to tell you I'm an expert, because I'm not. I'll never tell you I'm an expert in anything... Except maybe that I'm an expert in eating and being lazy. I love... Continue Reading →

Why do I write erotic romance? – A look at why this is my genre

Whilst studying, my lecturer advised us that "if you can't go into a bookstore and visualise where your book will sit, on which shelf and amongst which books, sorry to say it but you likely won't get published" (or something... Continue Reading →

Waiting…. Waiting…….

Waiting is awful. Waiting for a bus. Waiting to give birth to your firstborn. Waiting for the doctor to call your name. Waiting. I actually fucking hate it, to be honest. But, as the old saying goes, "Good things come... Continue Reading →

5 Mistakes I Made With Publishing My Book

"Mistake" and "published book" usually doesn't go hand in hand in the one sentence. However, I can assure you that publishing CAN be a mistake. Nonetheless, it's one mistake I made which I certainly learned from. Now, the publisher I... Continue Reading →

UPDATE: What have I been up to?

Hi there everyone! One thing that i'm totally wishing for each and every day, is to have more hours available in the day. My days have been so fucking busy and I don't know whether I love it with all... Continue Reading →

The story continues…

As you would have read from my previous post a little while ago, I decided to remove my published work from sale. It was a decision that I thought pretty hard about and have now come to the realisation that... Continue Reading →

Can Erotica and Romance Novels Ruin Relationships?

I was scrolling through Twitter and a few other websites about romance novels and erotica and surprisingly found a post onlineĀ about a discussion if romance novels can ruin relationships. Now, I've heard about this kind of stuff before and have... Continue Reading →

4 Ways to Fail at Writing your Novel (and How to Avoid it)

I don't claim to be an expert here, but I definitely know what hasn't worked and what certainly has. There have been times where I thought something was going to work, which inevitably lead to the failure of my writing... Continue Reading →

As one door closes…

Before we get started, no, I'm not giving up on anything. But, I do just need to let you know that I've been going through a lot of things lately, both with my personal life, work life and writing life.... Continue Reading →

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